Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The kitchen is the center of the family house  . we used to spent hours there every day. it is also the most important room for cleaning, and not only once a week when the team of "green clean phoenix" is  coming...   it must be cleaned  every day!
1. Dirty kitchen will become a center of illness in no time , and not just because of rotten food, but  also because of food that left on the counter or on the floor which will attract roaches and others to the party! who knows what these guys are carrying with them...
2. Save on your electric bill, YES, i know it's sounds crazy but think about it, if you have dust which all of us have in our homes ,if we don't clean it than the refrigerator doors are not sealed ,air is coming in and out  and that will cost you money, same idea with other appliances.  very important to clean the gasket .change the filters .
3. Entertain your guests with no fear! i know it is funny but when your family or friends are coming over it does look better for you if your kitchen looks good. and that is a fact!
4. Your appliances will survive for a longer time, if they be cleaned regularly (no chemicals).
5. If you see or smell rotten food, get it out of the house ASAP.    major reason for illness. packaging the food is always a good idea.
6. Clean kitchen is also safe kitchen. when dirty and oily chances of catching fire are much higher.
7. Do not buy food for two or three weeks in advance, shop every two to three days . the food will be fresh and  with less chances to get rotten or not be used at all.
8. Educate your family and friends!!!
Few points to keep your kitchen clean
  • Wash hands before and after handling food.
  • Wash cutting boards with hot, soapy water every time you use them. Discard cutting boards with deep scoring or gouges.
  • Wash hands after touching your nose, mouth and eyes.
  • Wash hands after making raw meat and eggs.
  • Keep household cleaners away from food prep areas.
  • Don't forget to clean gadgets you use for food prep : meat thermometers, measuring cups, measuring spoons, can openers, sieves,blenders, colanders,wooden spoons, cookie sheets and spoon rests. If it touches perishable foods, it need to be cleaned.
  • Dispose of spoiled food . Never keep leftovers in the refrigerator more than four days.
  • Refrigerate perishable foods after no more than two hours at room temperature.
  • Food item that looks and smells off in any way, pitch it.
All the home cleaning and especially in the kitchen area is recommended to be done by green products ,non toxic products,like baking soda and vinegar . do not clean your food with chemicals and do not keep chemicals in your kitchen for safety reasons ,be very careful when having kids and pets .
clean kitchen
clean kitchen
more useful information:

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

About Nachum Erlich a partner in “Green Clean Phoenix”

When i look at my competitors websites i cannot find names or pictures of the owners.   i want my clients to be able to connect my face and my name with our cleaning service.   it is part of what i believe the our business is all aboutprofessional,personal,carrying,responsible,and yes also admit when mistakes are done and fix it.
nachum erlich partner at "green clean phoenix"
Nachum Erlich partner at “green clean phoenix”
So this is me that is my story. Born in Israel,no need to say my age…  i m in Phoenix Arizona since 2005 and loving it. my business partner(Eli Gilman) and i have few businesses going on and i must say we run all of them in the same way, very personal and always making sure to bring results and to keep going forward in small steps. i got in to the home cleaning services only because i believe we aremaking live better for our small circle  of Clients/Friends. i love martial art and been a student since i was a kid, always searching for different ways to get better,again it is the same thing that leads me in the green cleaning business. it is important that we hear a feedback from you guys. we all must get better and it is not possible with out making mistakes and fixing them.    the organic cleaning servicewe opened happened short time after i become vegetarian, it is all coming together for me,healthy life style,eat well,work out,care for your close environment. i cannot change everyone way of life or opinions, but i can show a different way ,one more option that can make us all be happier and healthier,by talking about it with friends and with the kids in the schools we are cleaning. the decision we made in green clean phoenix not to clean offices or schools above 4000 sf is coming also from this approach of making a difference in our small environment, understanding that we cannot make the same impact on bigger projects. and that is me that is green clean phoenix.  check our website atwww.greencleanphoenix.com
green home cleaning better for your health
green home cleaning better for your health