Tuesday, September 23, 2014

About Cora A partner at “Green Clean Phoenix”

Cora Andrade a partner at “Green Clean Phoenix” Eco friendly cleaning service
Green Clean is becoming more and more popular as we are starting to see the effects of cleaning products to our environment. Many household cleaners we have used for years are bad for our lungs,allergies, environment, pets and family. Would you let your child have a bleach, pine sol or any other chemical lollipop? That’s what we are doing when we use these chemicals on our floors then let our child crawl on floor. I use to clean my floors daily with bleach as well as wall never thinking effects it could have on my children or myself. We were taught to disinfect and we should keep our homes clean and germ free but with so many natural products it is so not necessary to do so with with these powerful cleaners. We have found in using these simple natural products not only are our home clean and disinfected, there is no strong odor or powerful harmful fumes. So Go Green !!
green leef
I have been cleaning homes for over 30 years. I have always loved my job. I am my own boss, I have been blessed to have fabulous clients. I always treat people with respect as well as deserve it in return. Having reasonable prices,doing the best job I can, being honest, dependable means a lot. I then decided to get my Real Estate license and love that as well. I guess I just really really enjoy working with  people and making there lives easier. I was talking to a friend I met through Real Estate about cleaning. He was interested in Green Cleaning. I knew not to much so we started investigating and working with natural products. I was hesitant as I had been use to strong cleaners. Can these natural products really clean and disinfect. YES YES they can and BETTER.. I started using baking soda, vinegar, borax, olive oil,lemon juice. To my surprise not only were my mirrors and windows sparkling every thing seemed fresh.
 I have never received a complaint and have had happy clients but as soon as we started getting clients and using these products my clients started reaching out immediately to tell me how happy there are, how clean everything is, how fresh there home is and needless to say we are protecting theenvironment, our pets as well as ourselves. I am so happy I made this switch and encourage you to as well !!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Aldea Montessori School Going Green

About a week ago “Green Clean Phoenix” partners were invited to a parents meeting at the “Aldea Montessori School” in phoenix. i must say we did not know what to expect since we do not meet with parents but only the person in charge or managers of the facilities we clean.  it was amazing evening lots of questions,ideas and stories that makes us feel pretty good about what we do for our clients, we felt that we have partners on our cause to make the world a better place by changing is in very small steps and do it in the our close circle to us.    i think that education is very much the same ,when i look at kids including mine, they always had better results when they had better teachers and smaller classes.  make the teacher care about your kids and also the other way around, but in a big system like most of the schools today,many kids just cannot excel. “Aldea Montessori School” is perfect example for it . when i saw how Donna operate with the parents and the kids ,it was amazing,the kids are always smiling to her and seems very happy and also give her a lot of respect, i saw how the parents and Donna interact with each other when only the benefit of the kids is in front of their eyes. very impressive!!!   Donna told the parents about us and how much she loves the way we clean the school.   she also told a story about a kid she used to have in the school that had spacial needs and every time he touched a furniture that was cleaned with chemicals ,he will start to scream! that is one of the reasons she applied for a change of the cleaning products to green Eco friendly products,which she got .  at “Green Clean Phoenix” we believe in the same values.     we have decided to push this forward and to give back to “Aldea Montessori School” $10 for each time that a parent from the school will use our cleaning services .                                  Go green button
for more information regarding  “aldea Montessori school”  go to these links:                       